PRO version compare

NORMAL version

PRO version

Gallery view options

Number of entries per screen (Pagination)

Enable full window button

Enable full screen button

Allow search for entries

Allow sort

Preselect order when page loads

Random sort (Each page load)

Random sort button

Bright or dark color sites
top controls style

In gallery contact form button

In gallery contact form
text configuration

This text is visible until first entry appears in the gallery

Allow only registered users to see the gallery

Redirect URL for parent site of Contest Gallery entries

Additional CSS cg_gallery page

Gallery Thumb View (all options)

Gallery Height View (all options)

Slider view (all options)

Blog view (all options)

Entry view options

View entries as full window slider

View entries as full window blog view

Forward to entry landing page

Enable comments

Enable emojis

Allow only logged in users to comment

Social Share Buttons: Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, VK, Qzone, Weibo

Social Share Buttons: Telegram, Skype, Pinterest, Reddit, XING, LinkedIn

Show EXIF data: Original image date

Show EXIF data: Camera model, Aperture, Exposure time, ISO, Focal length

Show “Nickname” who added entry

Show “Profile image” who added entry

Copy original file source link button

Forward to original file source button

Download original file button

Copy gallery entry link button

Show back to gallery button on entry landing page

Back to gallery button text

Back to gallery button custom URL

General text on entry landing page before an activated entry

General text on entry landing page after an activated entry

Text on entry landing page if entry is deactivated

Additional CSS on entry landing page

Forward directly to original source
after clicking an entry

Gallery Thumb View (all options)

Make entries unclickable
(Only gallery view)

Show original image date
from EXIF data

Gallery view

Gallery name

Activate photo contest start time

Select start day
and time of photo contest

End photo contest immediately

Activate photo contest end time

Select last day
and time of photo contest

Show permanent vote
comments and info in gallery view

Allow only registered
users to see the gallery

Show text instead of gallery
(if user is not logged in)

Allow comments

Comment notification e-mail options for administrator

Comment notification e-mail options for registered participant user

Voting options

Allow manipulate rating by administrator

Recognize user by IP

Recognize user by cookie

Recognize user by login

One vote per category

Votes per category

One vote per picture

Votes per user

Show HTML content instead of translation message when user used all votes

Show HTML message after every successful vote

Voting of self-added picture is not allowed

Allow vote via 1 star rating

Allow vote via multiple
2-10 stars rating

Allow vote out of gallery
(without opening an entry before)

Hide rating of a picture
until user voted for this picture

Votes in time interval per user

Votes in time interval
per user amount

Votes in time interval
per user interval

Votes in time interval
per user alert message

Delete votes
(frontend users can delete their votes)

Voting notification e-mail options for registered participant user

Upload options
(allowed formats: JPG, PNG, GIF, PDF, ZIP, TXT, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, CSV, MP3, WAV, OGG, M4A, WEBM, MP4, MOV)

Automatically activate users
entries after frontend upload

Confirmation text after upload

Text before contact form

Text after contact form

Forward to another page after upload

Forward to URL

Confirmation text on same
page after upload

Show contact form again after upload

Confirmation text after upload

Uploads per user

Recognize user by IP

Recognize user by cookie

Recognize user by login

Show text instead of contact form
if user is not logged in

Restrict frontend upload size

Maximum upload size in MB per entry

Bulk upload

Maximum number of entries per upload

Restrict resolution for JPGs

Restrict resolution for PNGs

Restrict resolution for GIFs

Modify entry name frontend upload

Select possible entry name options

Inform admin after upload in frontend

E-mail to administator after upload
Addressor (From)

E-mail to administator after upload
Admin mail (To)

E-mail to administator after upload
Reply mail

E-mail to administator after upload
Cc mail

E-mail to administator after upload
Bcc mail

E-mail to administator after upload

E-mail to administator after upload
Mail content

Registration options

Select user role group for registered
users over Contest Gallery

Select role groups which can edit
fields from “Registration form”
in “Edit profile” when logged in

Text before registration form
before logged in

Login user immediately
after registration

Confirmation text after registration

Confirmation text after
e-mail confirmation

Hide registration form
if user is logged in

Show text instead

Confirmation e-mail
Addressor (From)

Confirmation e-mail – Reply mail

Confirmation e-mail – Subject

Confirmation e-mail – Mail content

Login options

Text before login form before logged in

Forward to another page after login

Forward to URL

Confirmation text on same site
after login

Confirmation Text after login

Permanent text when logged in

Logout URL

Back to gallery URL

Lost password e-mail options

Login via Google

Google sign in button shortcode

Google sign in button options

E-mail confirmation e-mail

Create e-mail field in “Edit contact form”
to send this confirmation e-mail after an upload.
After an e-mail address is confirmed this e-mail will not be send anymore.

Activate e-mail confirmation e-mail

E-mail confirmation e-mail
Addressor (From)

E-mail confirmation e-mail
Reply mail

E-mail confirmation e-mail
Cc mail

E-mail confirmation e-mail
Bcc mail

E-mail confirmation e-mail

E-mail confirmation e-mail
URL to confirmation page

E-mail confirmation e-mail
Mail content

Entry activation e-mail

Create e-mail field in “Edit contact form”
to inform users when activating their entry.

Activate entry activation e-mail

Entry activation e-mail
Addressor (From)

Entry activation e-mail
Reply mail

Entry activation e-mail
Cc mail

Entry activation e-mail
Bcc mail

Entry activation e-mail

Entry activation e-mail
URL of same page where shortcode
of the gallery is inserted

Entry activation e-mail
Mail content


93 changeable translation fields


15 changeable icons

Addable registration form fields

First name (WordPress field)

Last name (WordPress field)




Check agreement

Profile entry


Simple captcha
I am not a robot

Google reCAPTCHA
I am not a robot

Username (WordPress field)

Nickname (WordPress field)

E-mail (WordPress field)

Password (WordPress field)

Password confirm (WordPress field)

Addable contact form fields




Select categories




Check agreement


Simple captcha
I am not a robot

Google reCAPTCHA
I am not a robot


Sell shipping products

Sell downloads or services

Create and Send invoice

Send confirmation mail

Allow only registered users to purchase

Allow only registered users to see the purchase order

NORMAL version

Easy to install and works out of the box. Test the most features by downloading from original repository. You can update from normal version to PRO anytime and use your NORMAL version collected data in PRO version.

PRO version

Use all available options. Switch your PRO version from one domain to another anytime in your WordPress backend.