Voting types

The Contest Gallery WordPress plugin allows you to set up a 1-10 star-rating voting system. As an admin, you can select the rating system of any number, odd or even. But odd numbers like, 3-star, 5-star, 7-star, 9-star, and 10-star rating systems are most popular and used globally.

Uploaded files will be ranked based on the total number of stars (votes) they receive from user votes. For example, if a photo receives three 5-star, two 4-star, four 3-star, five 2-star, and three 1-star ratings, its total score would be calculated as follows: (3×5)+(2×4)+(4×3)+(5×2)+(3×1) = 48.

The star-rating voting system offers several benefits. Let’s have a look into them below.

Easy to Use

The star-rating system is simple and intuitive. Most users already have experience with this system. So, it’s easy for them to rate uploaded files.

Provides Clear Feedback

The star-rating system provides clear and concise feedback to users. This allows them to see the overall popularity of a particular uploaded file.

Accurate Ranking

The star-rating system provides an accurate way to rank uploaded files based on their popularity and overall rating.


The number of stars in the star-rating system can be customized, meaning you can select any number of stars up to 10.

Helps to Identify Winners

The star-rating system can be used to identify the winners of contests or events, based on the total number of stars received by uploaded files.

Overall, it provides an efficient and effective way to evaluate uploaded files based on user feedback.

Five stars voting example

One star voting example